Eating Our Way to Extinction
Eating Our Way to Extinction
Nažrli se bomo do smrti
Narrated by Kate Winslet, this alarming documentary will challenge the way you look at the food industry. What is the true cost of food? Who pays the price? Featuring shocking undercover footage, commentary from some of the world’s best-known personalities, and poignant first-hand accounts from indigenous people, this film will permanently change your perception of food and its critical connection to the future of our planet.

“The message of the film is actually a very simple one, and that’s that we essentially, as individuals, have the power ourselves to create such a huge change, a positive change in the environment, simply by switching from animal-based proteins to plant-based proteins. One of the main intentions for wanting to make the film was seeing the science that was very solid from some of the world’s most respected intellectual institutions around the world. But when you look at science coming out of Oxford University, where they say in developed countries, we need a reduction of meat and dairy by around 80% in the next few years if we are to keep below the Paris Climate Accord – that’s a huge shift.” (Otto Brockway)

MO, 13 March
Q&A after the screening of Eating Our Way to Extinction
Food system for a viable future
We will talk about the unsustainability of the food system, about systemic solutions and the role and power of individuals in achieving a more sustainable food system.
We will address the issue of the availability of food produced in ways that respect planetary boundaries while enabling everyone to live with dignity.
With the participation of: Žiga Malek, environmental scientist, Nika Tavčar, Umanotera – Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development, Živa Kavka Gobbo, Focus Association for Sustainable Development; Moderated by: Maja Prijatelj Videmšek, journalist for Delo daily.
In cooperation with the Focus Association
Free entry to post-screening Q&As
Directed by: Ludo Brockway, Otto Brockway
Country, year: UK, 2022
Length: 82
Subtitles: Slovenian
Language: English, Spanish

Ogled filma v kinematografih:

Mon, 13.03.2023 16:30 Kosovel Hall Buy
Thu, 16.03.2023 19:15 Kosovel Hall Buy

Ogled filma preko sistema VOD:

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Vision Films
[email protected]
Deli povezavo
Nažrli se bomo do smrti/Eating Our Way to Extinction (2021)