In an unexplored vault in Belgrade lies a collection of films known as "The Labudović Reels" containing images of African and Asian liberation movements and revolutionary leaders that defined the era of the 1960s. The film takes us into the story behind the images, on an intimate voyage with the man who filmed them. As the cameraman of the Yugoslav president Tito, Stevan Labudović captured an era of politics, personality and promise, capturing the birth of the Non-Aligned Movement.
"When I started to film with Stevan, I didn't have a clue about the vastness of his story. When I started filming with him, I knew two things-that he was considered a hero in Algeria (he was called the Cinematic Eye of the revolution) and that he had been assigned to be the cameraman for Yugoslav Newsreels, the person following President Tito's journeys. But I didn't understand the link between those two things at the time. It was only at the end of those three years that I realized that he had been a witness, as the cameraman, to every essential political moment in the creation of the Non-Aligned movement. That is not something that he told me." (Mila Turajlić)
SAT, 16 March, and SUN, 17 March
Q&A with director Mila Turajlić after the screening
Free entry to post-screening Q&As