Smoke Sauna Sisterhood
Savvusanna sosarad
Sestre v savni
In the darkness of a smoke sauna, women share their innermost secrets and intimate experiences. Through a sense of communion, women wash off the shame trapped in their bodies and regain their strength.

"When I was 11 years old, my grandfather had died, and my granny, my aunt, my niece and I went together to a smoke sauna. There, my grandmother shared with us the truth that my grandfather had cheated on her. Granny let the hurt and anger out, made peace with my grandfather, and the next day, she could bury him in peace. That was when I realised that a sauna is not just for cleansing the body, but also the soul. The concrete film idea came to me in 2015, when I was at a Buddhist monastery, participating in a silent retreat with my mother, with whom I have had a turbulent relationship. There, in the silence, I felt the importance of sharing our experiences and just how much power the voice has. In the protective darkness of the smoke sauna, all emotions can come out, and no experience is too harsh or too embarrassing; every voice has the right to express itself." (Anna Hints)

WED 13 March
Conversation with director Anna Hints after the film
Director Anne Hints will not be in Ljubljana, she will report via webstreaming.
Directed by: Anna Hints
Country, year: Estonija, France, Iceland, 2023
Length: 89
Subtitles: Slovenian
Language: Estonian

Screening in cinema:

Wed, 13.03.2024 17:00 Kinodvor Cinema Buy
Thu, 14.03.2024 19:00 Kosovel Hall Buy
Thu, 21.03.2024 19:00 Kosovel Hall Buy

VOD service:

Please note that this film is not available as VOD service.
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Manifest of Hope (2014), Ice (2018), Juured (2018)